SSC Napoli (Away 2013/14)

The post you have all been waiting for – maybe. This shirt is one of the most controversial and unique of the current season. And it sold like crazy! So, without further ado, I present the SSC Napoli camouflage away jersey:


For this jersey, Macron uses the same basic template as for the home jersey. In fact, collar and sleeve trims are identical. The actual shape of the collar is actually better visible here with the front of the collar having a downward-pointing triangle. This feature was kind of hidden on the home jersey. The rest of the jersey features a typical dark green camouflage pattern, which (unfortunately) does not extend to the sleeves. Other than that, the sponsors are as much in your face as on the other Napoli jerseys.


Keeping with the theme, the back is also all camouflage with blue names and numbers. These may have been better visible in white, but this way it keeps with the tone of the jersey. As mentioned previously, I find the number a bit odd looking due to the 3D-effect.

I think your appreciation of the jersey very much depends on your appreciation of the troops or camouflage fashion in general. To me it is not a great look for a sports jersey and I have been exposed too much to this kind of jersey during my time in the States. On the other side, the look is not too crazy and definitely looks better than that greenish away jersey Real Madrid used last season. So, all in all, my reaction is ambivalent:

My rating: 5/10 stars.

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